Thursday, April 4, 2019

April 3

So yeah, by objective standards, today could've been better.

Brady awoke with a fever, headache, sore throat, and cough, and a trip to urgent care revealed a Type B flu diagnosis. So Adam and I spent most of the day dealing with that while Adam's parents entertained Abby and Isaac with paddle boarding and pool time.

Today also happened to be Adam's mom's birthday, so there was a cake to bake (thanks hunny) and celebrating to happen. (Which for me, made the mai tai on the righthand side of the collage quite lovely since I was kinda sorta tired by day's end.)

I'm an active traveler, so it was frustrating to be stuck at the house for most of the day. And I'd rather not be dealing with the flu while on vacation, but it is what it is. But what also 'is' are these things: we have health insurance, so the trip to urgent care was no big thing and the acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and tamiflu we had to buy were also no big things. Brady's fever was down this evening so hopefully he's on the mend. I got to exercise on a treadmill that faces the ocean. The sky was clear, bright, and blue all day long. I spent my hours with some of the people I love the most. And sickness aside, I'm still on Kaua'i, which is still an amazingly beautiful place. I'd say the sum of those blessings outweighs the day's frustrations.

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