Sunday, April 21, 2019

April 21

Easter is a cry-in-the-shower day for me.

Although the sharp edges of other special days have dulled and softened with the passage of time, my human heart still grieves and that personal truth remains: Easter is a cry-in-the-shower day.

But that’s not all it is. It’s a long walk with the family day and a cinnamon rolls for breakfast day and an egg hunt in the back yard day (even if The Bunny was a bit later than usual this particular year) and a close my eyes and feel my soul coming alive while singing songs of hope and redemption at church day.

And it’s a day to be thankful for, because without it, death would’ve won and Logan would be forever lost. But he’s not, and it’s all because of Easter.

So I cried in the shower and then dried my eyes and went about the rest of the day as I always do. Although I’m painfully conscious of what I’ve lost and my mama-heart longs for the little lamb I can hold only in my memories, I’m also conscious of all I have to gain whenever Some Day arrives.

And for that --for the tears and the walks and the laughs and the relationships and the promise of Heaven-- I’m thankful.

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