Wednesday, January 1, 2020

January 1

We rang in 2020 in quiet fashion (as we do every year), though this time, Isaac and Brady joined us to watch the ball drop. And then poof, like that, we were off to bed at 12:01.

I arose late this morning and while Adam and Abby headed off to the store on a secret birthday-related mission (as mine is next weekend), I braved the newly-arrived chill in the air and the wind to join the boys for some outside time. (Well, for a few minutes anyway. They played outside in their 'secret hiding place' --which was located behind the large shrub that runs along the front of the house-- long after my California-weakened blood sent me inside in search of warmer temps.

Later in the day, I met up with Gretchen at a Starbucks. Gretchen and I go all the way back to first grade and she's one of the sweetest people I know, so it was a real blessing to sit and talk with her for a few hours.

When I got back to the house, we almost immediately left again, this time to get dinner at Jerry's. While we were there, Reaya texted to ask if we wanted to come over, so we headed to their house for what wound up being some late-evening "Star Wars" themed banter (which went over my head since I'm not a "Star Wars" gal). And then it was back to grandma's for the night.

It was, in short, a nice start to the new year, complete with family, a friend, and some good food. (And a visit to the Mother Ship, of course.) So for all of that, I'm thankful.

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