Wednesday, March 31, 2021

March 31

Lest anyone should think that my life revolves around baseball right now... well, you're pretty much right. 

Isaac's blue (aka Little League affiliated) team had a game tonight at the Sports Park. Although they didn't win, my boy had a good outing: he led off and wound up going 2-for-3. (And the one time he didn't wind up on base was because he struck out on a pitch that he said was well outside. And I'm sure it was, because if I know anything about Isaac, it's that he knows the strike zone as well as the back of his hand. That's why he so often bats lead-off. Anyway, that's him in the center of the image poised to steal second, which he did a moment later.)

So yes, once again, I am grateful that they can play and I'm grateful for the chatter from the dugout and I'm grateful that my most social child is getting the chance to spend some quality time being social. And I'm grateful that even when his team doesn't win, he still walks (or in this case, hobbles, since he ripped open a scab on his knee while diving back to third) off the field smiling.

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