Saturday, July 10, 2021

July 10

My allergies got the best of me overnight, so I arose late this morning and dispatched Adam to find some Mucinex-D. (You know, the kind they keep behind the counter because crackheads like to use it to make meth.) 

With that on board, we went on a hike we'd never taken before which left my not-as-fit-as-I'd-like self in a rather zonked state, so after a quick stop at McD's for a drink, we headed back to the inn for afternoon siesta time.

When 5 o'clock rolled around, we ventured out to find dinner and wound up on the terrace at Il Fornaio. From there we strolled down to the beach for the sunset hour. It was entirely socked in, unfortunately, so there wasn't much sun available TO set, but we walked along the path above the ocean and watched the waves crash against the shoreline. (And spied someone shooting video of a young woman walking into the water fully dressed. She must've been freezing but didn't seem to care, because the second she emerged from the waves soaking wet, she danced around like she'd never before felt anything as freeing. It was an interesting sight.)

Anyway, it was a nice day. A blessed day. And for all of the small gifts sprinkled throughout --the ones I noticed and the ones that sailed by without catching my glance-- I am grateful.

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