Friday, July 23, 2021

July 23

Many moons ago, Abby was a first-timer at VBS. Preschool Abby had a moony-eyed admiration for "the Hula Girls" --also known as the big girls who served as the Worship Leaders-- and meticulously worked each day to perfect the "Outrigger Island" dance routine. One day, she vowed, she would be a Hula Girl up there on stage, singing and dancing and giving out high-fives to all of the attendees.

And this year, she did it: she was a Hula Girl. Well, not exactly because this year's theme had nothing to do with Hawai'i, but she was the head Worship Leader at VBS. (That's her on the stage toward the left.) 

Since today was the last day, I went a little early so I could catch her in action, and I'm glad I did. I know that leading was a bit out of her comfort zone, but I'm so proud of her for pushing through. (And when I think back on Preschool Abby, I'm thrilled that one of her long-time aspirations came to life.)

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