Tuesday, January 4, 2022

January 4

It was a mostly quiet day here at grandma's house. 

Adam settled in to the living room (and a little later, the office) to work, while we trickled into the kitchen one by one for donuts and coffee (well, Abby and I the latter. The boys are naturally caffeinated). 

Isaac and Brady then asked if they could go outside to play in the snow, and I said sure. So they scrounged around for coats and hats and gloves and trooped out to the backyard, where they dropped to their bellies and to taste the glistening snow. And made snow angels and played football using Isaac's beloved Slime Dog as the ball and had a generally grand time together in the 30ish degree temps.

Later in the day, I snagged Abby --who'd been reading for some time-- for a shopping trip. We hit the east coast iterations of a number of our usual west coast haunts, and she even got to scrape snow from the windshield after a chunk fell from the roof (oops). A beautiful sunset and a trip through the Roy Rogers drive-thru later (where I got my very own empty cup, which I got to go inside to fill using the fancy-schmancy soda machine), we drove back to grandma's, where we enjoyed another quiet evening. 

It was, all in all, a lovely day. A low-key day. I loved seeing the boys happily frolicking in the snow. I loved the time with my girl. And I loved the moment when, as Abby and I sat in the family room watching Dr. Phil with grandma, she turned to us with this bemused expression on her face, lifted her shirt ever-so-slightly, and exclaimed "guess what? I'm not wearing a bra!" (That's my grandma sometimes.)

Sweet moments. Funny moments. Pretty moments. Good moments. All blessings.

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