Saturday, April 15, 2023

April 15

Three games, three wins. That's how today went for the Wight boys.

But the road to victory isn't always a smooth one. Sometimes it even involves strange little near-disasters that wind up not being disastrous at all.

That brings me to today's tale. Brady pitched a few innings during the latter half of his game this afternoon. As can occasionally be the case with him, his control was a wee bit loose, so he plunked a couple of batters. The first wound up being a strikeout because the hitter actually swung at the pitch that hit him and that pitch happened to be strike three, but the other trotted down to first base. 

A few moments later, Brady unleashed a fairly egregious wild pitch that smacked hard against the backstop and ricocheted back to him on the mound. He immediately whirled around and fired the ball to the second baseman, who made an equally amazing play by snagging the ball and tagging out the runner as he was trying to steal.

Usually, wild pitches spell disaster, but not in this case. Not today. Brady told me that he knew the runner was on the move and he fully trusted the shortstop to catch the ball, so he let loose. And a disaster became a genius play.

It was a good reminder to me that just because something looks like it won't turn out well doesn't mean that a negative outcome is guaranteed. In fact, some pretty cool things can arise from bad circumstances -- just like God showed us through Jesus.

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