Sunday, April 30, 2023

April 30

But Kristin loved

I think that's probably the first thought that flitted through my mind this morning when I got a text telling me that Kristin had passed away after a brief (and to me, rather shocking) battle with cancer. We hadn't communicated in several years, but I followed her on Facebook and have always considered her a friend.

But Kristin loved so well, God, I thought. Don't we need more of her down here and not less?

And the response? Yes. Yes you do. So do it. Love. Love BIG.

So how do we live that out? Well, Kristin loved by being a genuine friend to many. She loved by singing her heart out to Jesus with her amazing gift of a voice. She loved by sharing the gospel. She loved by forming connections with the smallest of us, like wee Brady in this picture from 2015. He wasn't even in her class, but we have a photo with her anyway. That is just how well she loved. She drew people into her circle of life and loved on them before they even knew it was happening.

And she loved me, personally, by sending me a private message the week after Logan passed away to share her own story of loss. That note meant so very much to me; it made me feel seen and understood and included and heard in such a beautiful, tangible way. She took her own sadness and used it to relate to me on a personal level that few can really grasp. I appreciate it now even more than I did back then and I am beyond grateful to God for prompting her to send it, because I'm sure He did.

It's never an easy thing when the earthly life of a friend comes to an end, but I can say with certainty that Kristin lived and loved well, and is now in Heaven with my sweet Logan. And hopefully, they've shared a dance by now.

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