Tuesday, January 15, 2013

January 15

Anyone who's followed me for a while knows that music speaks to me. (But not in a crazy, the-walls-have-eyes kind of way.) There have been several times over the course of the past few years when I've 'heard' God address me via the lyrics of a given song.

A few weeks ago, I thought of a song I hadn't heard in ages, the one-time country hit "How Your Love Makes Me Feel" by Diamond Rio. It just flitted into my head, and I half-chuckled as I remembered its feel-good message and lighthearted tone. (I mean, come on, who doesn't feel a little tippy thinking about cows in the road? Ba-dum bum!)

Anyway, as irony would have it, I actually heard that very song the next time I turned on my car radio. And it gave me a nearly gleeful two minutes of driving time.

And then, of course, I once again found myself bogged down with the cares of this world and forgot about the cow in the road and the ice cream cone and the sweet little moments that dot life's lane.

Until this evening, when once again, it came on the radio. And I thought about it. I mean, if this is a God wink like I think it is, how awesome is it that the God of the Universe is telling me that I'm so cool that I make His heart leap? I guess that sounds a little vain, but the reality is --if you buy into the heart of Christianity-- that God feels that way about every single person on the planet. I think that's pretty darn wow-worthy.

And definitely worth a spontaneous little "How Your Love Makes Me Feel" dance party.