Saturday, January 26, 2013

January 26

My friend Sherrie sent me an email today letting me know about a rather extraordinary chain of events she experienced while on a drive this morning. She was convinced that God and Logan had conspired to put together a message that she was supposed to share with me -- and I think she was absolutely right.

The nuts and bolts of it? She was driving along a local road and saw a rainbow ahead, which made her think of my Sunshine. Then she looked in her rear view mirror and saw... a Corvette. (Ta-da!) Finally, she said Lean on Me came on the radio, which sealed the deal: she had to tell me what she'd seen.

What she didn't know was that I was feeling down this morning; I'd had a big moment of doubt regarding Heaven and earth and what's real and what's not. The timing of the message she shared was completely perfect. It snapped me out of my gloomy mood. It renewed my faith in the here and now and in what's to come. And all of that, my friends, is invaluable.

I'm like everyone else on this planet. I could rationalize my way out of believing that Sherrie's experience meant anything at all. But why would I want to return such a big gift? Nope, I'll keep it and add it to the storehouse of like-treasures I keep in my heart. And I'll be looking for more rainbows, too.

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