Monday, January 21, 2013

January 21

Today was sunny and --much to my Winter-worn soul's delight-- vaguely warm. After dropping off Abby for a play date at a friend's house, I pushed the Little Boys homeward in our double jogger. As we passed by the local Catholic Church, I looked up and saw this and knew --just knew-- it was today's wink.

Sunshine and a cross. Two of the most important elements of my existence, presented in a most perfect package. Not even a big red bow could've made it a sweeter gift.

1 comment:

  1. Sherry, you write so well. I am always blessed when I read something written by you. My heart hurts every time I remember Logan's suffering and death. I will never forget reading aloud last year to my entire family your entry on the day he died. We are so sorry that Logan's life was so short and for all that he endured and your pain at having him missing from your family. Your photographs are beautiful. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I am glad that we can look forward to a day when your family will be reunited with Logan forever.
