Wednesday, January 23, 2013

January 23

There's nothing like a good puddle. At least, that's what my kids think. A series of cloudbursts left an ample supply of them dotting the sidewalks this afternoon, and the Little Boys soaked themselves to the skin with splishing, splashing, wetter-than-a-sponge-style fun.

Now I don't like messes, and the fact that I let them go crazy is a big deal. But as I watched them play --as most of the other parents at the school carefully walked an extra-long perimeter around them to evade the gleeful stomps that sent forth spritzes of water-- I remembered that life isn't about being neat and precise all the time. God creates built-in opportunities for fun --and dancing!-- in the rain. And we're supposed to take them.

And of course, visions like this are the cherry on top:

I wish Logan could be there, holding Isaac's free hand. But he's there in my mind's eye. And in whatever way possible, I'm sure he was out there splashing with them, too.


  1. I know that, for me, singing in the rain brings endless possibilities. I'm sure of that!

  2. I think you're right, Sherry.

