Thursday, March 17, 2016

March 17

I feel like I've used too many photos of Brady lately. But I took this one this morning at preschool drop-off and when I looked at it, I became the proverbial mound of mush.

I love how most days, he gives me a hug and immediately runs to where his friends are playing to join in the fun. He does look back; he waves double I Love You hands at me until I'm out the door and out of sight, but then he's off again, being a kid.

I'm thankful that he's secure enough that he can do that; that he's comfortable enough with his class and teacher that he's okay with me leaving for a while; that I don't have to fight with him to play with other kiddos and that social interactions seem to come to him so naturally. Those are all good things. And tonight, I'm taking a few moments to be thankful for some of those great traits that I don't usually think about that help to make my muffin wonderful.

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