Monday, March 7, 2016

March 7

I realized this morning that I'd need a copy of Brady's birth certificate in order to register him for kindergarten later this week. I was less than amused, since I assumed it meant that I'd need to drive to the county recorder's office in Oakland to get a copy. So I did what I often do and aired my complaint on Facebook. But this time, a friend chimed in with an extremely welcome and surprising solution to my problem.

Unbeknownst to me (and almost everyone in the general area), a satellite clerk's office opened late last year in the next town over. So I went by this morning and was in and out with my prize in less than five minutes. Problem solved. Stressful situation defused. Week started on a sweeter note that expected. And best of all, un-uttered prayer answered, thanks in part to a friend who was paying attention. It's a good reminder to me to always be looking for ways I can bless others.

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