Wednesday, March 23, 2016

March 23

I was the co-op parent at preschool this morning. (Or, as Brady would say, I was "The Mommy.") Even though it means I don't get my me-time, I always enjoy my time with the kiddos: watching them interact, seeing them laugh at silly things, helping them to figure out how to deal with conflict. (Okay, so I don't love the incredible noise that sometimes resonates from their little lungs nor do I love sweeping bits of tortilla chip from under the tables. But the great majority of the rest of it is fun.)

Anyway, today's experience was especially sweet because Brady's job this week is Prayer Helper, which means he stands in front of the class before snack time, takes prayer requests from his classmates, and then helps his teacher to say the blessing. I had my eyes closed through most of his prayer, but when I opened them briefly and saw him standing there with his eyes squeezed shut, offering up the class prayer, my heart warmed. Seeing little ones so sweetly giving thanks is a beautiful, beautiful thing.

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