Friday, July 19, 2019

July 19

I'm pretty sure I've made this remark before, but sometimes I get to the end of a day and don't know what to write. Sometimes I feel that way because I wasn't paying attention to much of anything and just plain missed the noteworthy moments that were right under my nose. Other days, it's because the hours were filled with so many varied blessings that I simply don't know where to begin. Today was of the latter variety.

(Random representative photo. Much better than yesterday's. Ahem.) Anyway... I woke up relatively early and spent the morning hours puttering around and listening to music on my phone while Kathy worked. After she finished up for the day, we braved the heat (and it was h-o-t) to walk to her brother's house, where I got to meet a pair of hyper dogs, her brother's wife, and her very cute mother. (Seriously, so, so adorable.)

After the post-walk clean-up (because hot. And so. Much. Sweat), we headed out for dinner, where I had a very yummy taco and wound up reasonably tipsy on half a margarita. Then we ducked into a little shop and had some frozen custard (really good --because peanut butter and chocolate-- but the heat plus the margarita plus the taco didn't leave more than a few spoonfuls of room for it in my belly) before heading off to a movie.

By the time we got back it was late(ish), but we still had some time to walk the dog and talk before the turn-in hour. I won't go into the details because they're not really relevant, but it was probably my favorite part of the day because the exchange was very real. And I love --and treasure-- real because real hits my heart in ways that fun and lighthearted just don't. I enjoy fun and lighthearted, of course, and always will, but real... real is significant.

So yep. I'm admittedly going to bed with a raging headache, but I'm also going to bed feeling very grateful for all of the above.

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