Friday, July 26, 2019

July 26

I had two very different but very notable "moments" today, so in the interest of not picking a favorite child, I'll talk about both.

The first was a morning coffee get-together with my friend Jenifer. We were in a Bible study together many moons ago --like back when I was pregnant with Logan and when her now-adult kiddos were still kids-- and though I haven't seen much of her of late, she's moving to the east coast in a few weeks so I'd asked if she had time to chat. Fortunately, she did, and today was the day. She has lots of great life experience and blessed me by sharing her unique perspective.

The second involved some long-awaited finality with respect to our car-drama that began back in March when the minivan was totaled. After much research, a very long wait for a hybrid car that may or may not go into production at some point, and even more research, Adam deviated from his initial course of action, bit the bullet, and bought himself a Ford Explorer this afternoon. He's happy with it --and I'm happy that he's happy-- and thinks that Logan would approve of the throaty engine and the bright Atlas blue exterior. (And yes, to the eagle-eyed out there, that is indeed a bright blue Corvette off to the side. So I'd call it a double affirmative on the Explorer.)

So yep: two different experiences, two different blessings. And I'm grateful for both.

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