Thursday, July 4, 2019

July 4

It was a kick-back kind of Independence Day at the Wight House. Morning lounging followed by baseball (for the boys), walking (for me), and swinging-slash-being-annoyed-and-bored (for Abby) at the Sports Park, followed by Slurpees. (Or a Big Gulp if you were me.) Since it was a holiday, I broke my 'nothing that could possibly spill allowed in my still blessedly clean car' rule (and fortunately, no one spilled):

Then after that we watched the second Lego moved over hot dogs and fruit. Now with the boys in bed and my walk with Abby around the neighborhood in the books, us three older folk are watching 'The Maxtrix.' (Okay, so I'm not watching it because watching Keanu Reeves (try to) act is painful. But I'm in the room so I figure that counts.)

And with all of that stream of conscicous-style mumbo jumbo written out, I'll conclude by saying that I'm very, very thankful that this day gives my family the right to do all of those things: to walk and to play baseball and to enjoy the sunshine and to drink Slurpees and drive cars we choose and watch movies. All are blessings that I know I take for granted far too often, so I'm grateful for the reminder to sincerely offer up thanks.

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