Friday, August 16, 2019

August 16

I was chewing on something emotionally challenging this evening and needed steps, so I asked Adam to walk the neighborhood with me. The route included a stop by the rental to close the windows for the night, and at my request, we paused and sat on the stoop for a little while and talked and listened to the silence.

Sitting there on that stoop tonight was a blessing for two different reasons. For one, a memory of being in that very spot 13 years ago, with toddler Abby and baby Logan sprawled out on a blanket on the lawn, flickered through my mind. And two, it gave me a chance to just sit with Adam and absorb his words. He usually doesn't say much when I'm upset because he's learned overly nearly 17 years of marriage that it's often better to just zip it when your wife is ranting, but this time, he was bold and shared what I think were pretty wise comments.

So for a memory of what was and intelligent words about a hard situation that just is, I'm grateful. '

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