Sunday, March 1, 2020

March 1

I love boxed chocolates. (And I really love them when they're on post-Valentine's Day super-sale but I digress.)

There's just something fun about not knowing exactly what I'm going to get when I take a bite. (And yeah, I know some of them come with diagrams that spell out what's where but there's no entertainment in that so I pretend they don't exist.) Chocolate? Strawberry cream? Coconut? I mean, I can kind of guess sometimes based on the shape (because duh, of course the square ones are either caramel or toffee) but the uncertainty is entertaining.

I suppose that's a rather Forrest Gump'ian thing to say, but it's true. And it goes deeper, too, because I sometimes wonder what life would be like if we approached every unknown with a modicum of expectant anticipation and enthusiasm. What if every time we pick up a new chocolate and muse over what we'll find inside, we expect to find something delicious rather than something disgusting (like marzipan. Sorry, marzipan lovers, it's disgusting)? And what if, on the occasions that we do find ourselves with a mouthful of marzipan, we opt to relish the delicious dark chocolate instead of focusing on the less-than-great filling? I bet it would change life for the better.

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