Tuesday, March 17, 2020

March 17

I confess: since it's been deemed a non-academic week while the teachers figure out how to facilitate online learning, I'm not making my kids do anything they don't feel like doing. (Blunt, but truth.) So that means that when I came downstairs this morning, Isaac and Brady were cheerfully playing one of their video games. As the noon hour approached, I told them that I expected them to get dressed today and they said okay. Here they are after the fact, after re-assuming video game play formation:

Yup. They changed into clean pairs of pajamas. Insert facepalm here.

I told Adam what they'd done when I went upstairs a little later, and he said he wasn't surprised because they'd asked me if they could just change into different ones and I said okay. I have no memory of that exchange, but apparently it happened. So voila, my boys spent the day in sleep clothes.

It's kind of ridiculous, but these are weird times, so tonight as I mull going off to bed, I'm thankful that I can look at them and at myself and laugh. Because laughing is way, way better than crying.

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