Sunday, June 1, 2014

June 1

Time for some good old fashioned blunt honesty: I've never been big on singing in church. My disdain for "worship" time began back in college, when a certain well-meaning and decidedly spiritually-minded worship leader would repeat the same words of a song until I wanted to puke. He was clearly into it and getting a lot (LOT LOT LOT) from the experience as he sang to our savior and plucked his guitar strings. I, on the other hand, would get bored and frustrated and mentally check out after the fifth repetition of the same line. Simply put, words tend to lose their meaning for me when they're said over and over (and over) again. (That, of course, is a generalization. There are some words we can't ever say often enough. But I digress.) That's why today's wink was such a huge surprise.

We were standing in church singing "It's All Because of Jesus." The part I've quoted is the part I'm going to reference, too, so check out the words.

So anyway, I was standing there singing and thinking. Despite my cynical view of worship time, I actually like this song quite a lot and enjoy it. It's pretty music and a great message. So I was singing it's all because of Jesus I'm alive... when I suddenly saw Logan in my mind's eye. And then something unexpected happened: he started singing those words back at me:

It's all because of Jesus I'm alive
It's all because the blood of Jesus Christ
Covered me and raised this dead man's life
It's all because of Jesus... I'm alive.

I won't lie. It was an intense couple of seconds and I almost lost it. Not because I was sad or surprised or because I longed for him in that moment, but because I knew the words he was singing to me were true: He IS alive because of the blood of Jesus Christ... he died, but he's ALIVE.

And that, my friends, was a morsel of truth presented on a beautiful platter.

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