Tuesday, December 16, 2014

December 16

It seemed like every time I sat down today, my phone rang. Right before it was time to pick up Isaac from school, I realized he needed a dark pair of pants (which he didn't have) and a white shirt (which he also didn't have) for his class program this evening, so I picked him up and quickly drove to the nearby outlet mall, which is very busy this time of year. Since the sky was threatening rain (again) and I only had about 15 minutes before I needed to turn around and go back to the school to get Abby, I held my breath and silently prayed that we wouldn't have to park too far from the entrance.

And as it happened, God really delivered for me. I didn't just get a decent spot. Nope. As I made my way around the lot closest to the entrance I wanted to use, a car just happened to be backing out of what's probably the most seriously primo space of all. So I took it, hurried the Little Boys inside, and finished my transaction just in time to run back to the school to retrieve Abby.

A convenient parking space is a little thing in the grand scheme of things, but today, it meant a lot. And in the interest of giving credit where it's most surely due, I thank God for looking out for me and making my day a wee bit less stressful in an everyday, tangible kind of way.

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