Wednesday, December 31, 2014

December 31

As another year closes, I kind of feel like I should have some sort of super special, ultra meaningful image to use that represents the last 365 days. But I don't, really. At least, not in the traditionally accepted sense of "super special." What I have is merely another snapshot from my life.

I had some McDonalds coupons that expired today, so we headed over to the Golden Arches at lunch time. We usually just get food and leave, but today we decided to eat in, and it was fun to sit and watch the scene -- who eats what first, who prefers apples over yogurt, who thinks it's fun to make silly faces at the others while they're munching.

I've said it so many times throughout 2014 that it's practically been a theme of mine, but it's true: the little moments are the ones that matter in the long run, and if I stop and just observe, I can see God's fingerprints all over them: in the food we're blessed to have, in the relationships we're blessed to enjoy, in the smiles we're blessed to share.

So make sure to slow down and notice your little moments in 2015. Blessings to you all and happy new year.

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