Thursday, August 13, 2015

August 13

Today marked the last official day of our trip to San Diego, and we spent it --once again-- at Legoland, from (more or less) open to close. And once again, we rode rides and made memories together. We solidified the newfound knowledge that Abby, Isaac, and Brady all like roller coasters (even though they typically pretend they don't and act fearful prior to boarding) and that all of them are pretty good kid-drivers. Brady in particular did an excellent job of artfully evading the every move of an especially feisty and aggressive little girl who didn't seem to want anyone to pass her car! (I suppose we could all learn from that one, huh?) Anyhow, today's wink comes from the dinner hour (which wound up being at about 9:30).

After leaving the park, we swung through an In N Out drive thru and brought our food back to our hotel suite. After the kiddos changed into their pjs, they sat at the kitchen counter and ate (and horsed around). As I watched them, I felt a strong sense of, oh, I don't know: right-ness, I guess it was, that prompted me to retrieve both Lambie and my phone from the bedroom so I could take this photo.

Them, hanging out, laughing about nonsensical stuff, being silly when I asked them to smile for me... it's really a lot of the sweetest things about childhood all wrapped up into a relatively short moment. I think it's important to savor those moments, even if they strike at 9:30 PM and you just want to go to bed. Blessings they are indeed.

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