Sunday, August 30, 2015

August 30

Brady took a tumble during today's evening walk. He and Isaac were just running along on the sidewalk together, laughing and having a good time, when he tripped on a rock and took a near-header into the concrete. The tears came and Adam quickly scooped him up to give a once-over and offer up some parental support. He was okay, fortunately: nothing broken and no bloodshed. And then just a few short minutes later, he was back on the ground, once again bobbing and weaving along with his brother and taking a couple of goofy pictures on the usual bench.

My heart ached over his sadness, but marveled over his resilience. Kids are pretty amazing in that way: they can fall down, scrape a knee, cry, and then just a few minutes later, act like absolutely nothing went wrong in the first place. I think we almost lose some of that comeback-ability as we age; or maybe it's just that we become jaded and don't bother trying to be resilient anymore. I don't know. But I know that I'm thankful to be reminded that we can overcome whatever is thrown our way... if we believe we can and really want to do so. And we can most definitely turn lemons into lemonade -- or even better, let God do it for us.

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