Monday, August 24, 2015

August 24

The last day of summer vacation. I'd like to say that we did something super fun, but the reality is that until 10:30 AM or so, everyone pretty much looked like this:

Sacked out on the couch, wearing PJs, watching TV. (I may not be pictured, but you'd better believe I was right there with 'em.)

The summer has been a blessing to me. The kiddos got along (most of the time), enjoyed each other's company (again, most of the time), and stayed out of my hair when I had tasks I needed to accomplish. It was fun having them around 24/7.

Now tomorrow, we're on to second grade and middle school. (Brady doesn't start Pre-K until after Labor Day; his schedule is actually sane.) I've been extra emotional lately, thinking about Abby taking such a big next step and worrying over how she'll like it and wondering if the kids will be nice to her and if she'll adapt easily or have a hard time. I don't like not knowing what will happen.

And of course, I've been thinking of Logan and how he should be starting fourth grade. As I do every year, I wonder who his friends would be and who his teacher would be and what his first-day-of-school outfit would look like and if he'd want a peanut butter sandwich or something else for lunch. So many questions with no answers. I can make them up; I can imagine who he'd be and what he'd do, but of course, it's not real. And that truth hurts more than usual this time of year.

But still, I remain thankful, and my prayer for my kids is a terrific new year filled with blessings and good surprises.

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