Tuesday, June 21, 2016

June 21

It was another day of chill here in Casablanca (ba-dum-bum. Get it? Wight House translated into Spanish? With Wight spelled wrong? Yeah, I'm clever like that). To break up the ice a little, I decided that we'd hit the road for a Target run. While we were at Target, I decided we'd go to Starbucks. And then while we were at Starbucks, I decided we should go to the library to find out if there's a kids' summer reading program this year. (There is, and the Little Boys both signed up and spent hours reading this afternoon. Score.) Anyhow, I'm getting way off track. As often happens, the kiddos posed for a pic outside Target.

It's a cute image --they're happy and smiling and no one's trying to beat anyone else with sticks or other blunt instruments which makes it a win in my book-- but to be honest, the first thing I noticed about it was the mistake: the fuzzy outline of my car key in the lower left-hand corner.

I hate making mistakes. I know they're a part of life and that no one who currently walks the planet is immune to making them. But I've always held myself to impossibly high standards. I am, in all likelihood, far harder on myself that anyone else would ever be. To cite a recent example, I made two very small errors during two of the three recitals this weekend, and though I'm guessing no one else noticed, I mentally berated myself for making them.

So where am I going with this? Okay, so let's get back to this image. The blurry key renders it imperfect, but you know what? It's still a good photo. And it serves as a reminder to me that despite its imperfections, life is still a good thing. Sometimes, we just need to look beyond the blemishes to see the jewels.

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