Thursday, June 9, 2016

June 9

Tomorrow is the last day of school. As always, I have a lot of mixed up, complicated feelings about it, and so do the kids. In fact, Isaac cried tonight because he's going to miss his class and his teacher. It makes perfect sense to me because he's had a great year. When he went upstairs to take his bath, Brady decided to do something to help.

I was only peripherally paying attention, but he lugged Isaac's backpack into the family room and began unpacking the mound of papers inside. Once I clued in to the activity, I asked what he was doing and his response melted me.

I'm emptying his backpack so it won't remind him of second grade and make him sad.

They may fight like cats and dogs (actually more like two hungry pit bulls), but I know that they love each other. So when Brady saw the chance to try to make Isaac feel better, he took it. Of course, I made him put the papers back in the bag because I didn't want Isaac to freak out over the mess, but his heart was absolutely in the right place. And for that, I'm deeply thankful.

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