Tuesday, January 23, 2018

January 23

It's been a stressful week. (And it's only Tuesday. I am so excited for Wednesday and Thursday and Friday.) Without going into details --because the end stress-result remains the same-- I've spent far too much time worrying about several different issues.

As I drove back to the house after my coffee stop this morning, I gradually became aware of the lyrics of the song that was playing on the radio.

It's a newish one by David Lee Murphy and Kenny Chesney, and it basically features them saying "everything's going to be all right" over and over and over again. A nugget of truth from God's mind to their mouths to the radio to my ears. Hearing it didn't make it all better, but it did give me a few moments of respite and a chuckle, because once again, He managed to speak to me in an unexpected way. And I heard the message. And one day, everything will indeed be all right.

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