Thursday, August 22, 2013

August 22

I needed to use up some rapidly aging bananas and tomatoes today, so I did a little baking. I was short a few things necessary to make the muffins and bread happen, so the kids and I headed off to the grocery store.

After we finished picking up our supplies, we headed back to the car. Brady stood by the open door, staring up at the sky. A minute passed, and when I pressed him to get in, he pointed up and said I'm watching the plane, mommy.

He insisted on waiting until it was out of his line of sight, and I let him, because I was transfixed by such a display of simple wonder.

To me, it was just an airplane. But to him, it was something amazing. That brief exchange reminded me that even the most mundane events in life are still, in one way or another, fascinating and interesting and worth appreciation.

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