Sunday, February 12, 2017

February 12

I continued not feeling especially well today, but Brady had a birthday party to attend at the Oakland Zoo, so we headed off in the mid-morning hours to do that while Adam, Abby, and Isaac went off in another direction to attend our nephew's birthday party. (It was a big party day.) After the animals had been petted and the cupcakes eaten, Brady and I took a quick stroll around the zoo to check out a few animals.

I apologized to him as we headed out to the car; I said I was sorry that we were leaving so early. The maturity of his response took me by surprise: "I wanted to stay longer, but I know you don't feel good so it's okay that we're going home." My heart lurched in my chest. I turned around and patted him on the knee, and said we could go again another time.

No tantruming, no tears, no attempt at manipulation. Given the weight of this weekend, his reaction was a huge blessing that I really needed.

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