Thursday, February 23, 2017

February 23

Between school and baseball and tball and dance and house repairs, it was a busy day that saw me running from one end of town to the other more than once. I completely forgot to take photos aside from a few during my 10 minutes at tball practice, so here's one of those to look at while I get to the point:

So, this evening. It's hard to get from one end of town to the other during the evening commute hours. It's like the city deliberately sets the stoplights to discourage folks from driving through town, but I really had no choice. So what should've been a 10-12 minute drive took 30. Four times. By the time I arrived at the ballpark to pick up Isaac from practice, I was frazzled (especially since I knew I had to turn around and race to another park to retrieve Brady). And the frazzle-ing got worse when I saw the really long line of cars waiting to get into the parking lot. In that moment, I whispered 'please God, just give me a spot!' (Okay, so I kind of said it aloud. And when I say 'said,' I mean half-yelled, half-screeched.) And then, of course, moments later, a parking space appeared out of nowhere and I took it.

It was a small thing. A very small thing. But it made my day slightly less stressful, and even better, it reminded me that God hears me -- even when I'm just begging for a place to put my car.

And if a parking spot is even a blip on the radar, just think about how much more He delights in granting some of our truly big asks.

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