Friday, July 14, 2017

July 14

It was a low-key Friday. We didn't have any grand adventures; in fact, we spent the entire day shuttling between the house and the club. I headed off by myself at about 9 AM to get my coffee before hitting the treadmill in the fitness center for an hour. When I finished up there, I joined Adam and the kiddos, changed into my swim suit... and got. Into. The. Pool. I know. Not a big deal for most people, but don't underestimate my distaste for water. It was nice to hang with the fam on a floatie, and it was nice to go from pool to pool to hot tub, checking them all out, but I was also perfectly happy to return to dry land for a pit stop at the club house. (The Makai pools are a collection of little pools attached to a much bigger pool.) I was especially glad to after I knicked one of my heels on a rock. Ouch.

I spent the afternoon at the house re-reading a Kindle book that I don't really remember, and then after dinner, we headed back over to the club house for dessert (they have little containers of Lappert's ice cream, candy bars, Kind Bars... lots of nice little treats). We wound up hanging out on the lanai while we played a succession of games; we all played Jenga, and then while the Little Boys played chess (yes, really) and PacMan on the old arcade game inside, Abby, Adam, and I got out the Scrabble board and got to it linguistics-style.

Then after the sun had set and the sky's light began to fade, we walked the path back to the house. And that's where I am now. I'm not sure what I'll do next; I'm curious about my book, so that's a good bet. But no matter what I do, I finish today feeling blessed by all of this fun family time I've had so far. (And the bonus: no surprise torrential rain today; just clear skies all around.)

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