Wednesday, July 5, 2017

July 4

I'm a big get-up-and-go'er when I'm on vacation. I like to see as many sights as possible since I'm never quite sure when I'll be paying a return visit to a given locale. But today was a low-key one, devoted mostly to pool-going and hanging around the house.

At about 9:15, we headed over to the club so the kiddos and Adam could swim. While they got their water on, I sipped a cuppa joe and then headed over to the fitness center for a while before we all hit the walking trail again bound for our first shave ice of the trip. (At Uncle's, for the record. Always a good pick.)

Then it was back home for some card games and rest (for us older people) before dinner, which involved a change of clothes and a return trip to the club for a 4th of July burger bar feast, where my charming daughter and her miraculous metabolism munched down not one or two delicious cheeseburgers, but three. After sunset, we trouped back home again, and that's where I am right now, sitting at the dining room table, listening to Adam read to Abby under the continuous hum of the air conditioner.

It's nice to have a chill day now and then, I think. Though I'm inclined to go-go-go, it was nice to just take it easy, and we're blessed to have the opportunity to do just that.

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