Saturday, July 29, 2017

July 29

A lot of interesting old things have emerged as Adam has worked his way through the garage this week. This is one of them:

It's probably not obvious, but it's a dolphin Pillow Pet. These things were insanely popular when Abby, Logan, and Isaac were all very small. I remember the day they came running in the door following a Saturday afternoon outing to Fry's exclaming "we got Pillow Pets!!" They were all just so happy that the sight made an instant --and lasting-- impression on my heart.

Anyway, we wound up accumulating several, including a bunch that Logan was given during his time as an inpatient. But I didn't really remember this one until Abby picked it up and asked if I remembered where I'd gotten it. I said no, and she told me that she'd wanted to get me one for Mother's Day but worried that it might not be something I would like, so she convinced Logan to give it to me. And since Abby was his best friend, he did just that.

So I picked it up and brought it inside. I wish I could remember, but honestly, a lot of smaller memories --back before I started trying hard to savor each moment and when I was the very tired mom of multiple very small children-- have faded. Although I don't really remember myself, I'm thankful that Abby was here to remind me.

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