Tuesday, July 25, 2017

July 24

And just like that, we're home again.

After getting up a bit earlier than usual (and to the sounds of heavy rain -- I have to tell you, it's much easier to leave Kaua'i when the skies are dumping buckets than when it's sunny and beautiful), we put our luggage in the car, left the keys on the counter (as requested), and "checked out" of our rental house. Then we headed over to the club, where we met up with Adam's aunt, uncle, cousins, and their kids --who all happened to be visiting Kaua'i from Boise-- for breakfast and some chat-time. (Talk about last minute, I know! We hadn't all realized we were there at the same time until just a few days ago. Oops.) Abby had a grand time with the Abby Wight Admiration Society (as I jokingly call Adam's cousin Brian's daughters, since they apparently adore her) while Isaac (and Brady, to a degree) had fun with little Dom. It was so nice to have a chance to spend even a little time with family we so rarely see.

From there, it was off to lunch (Costco, because, well, Costco is easy and they have the cheapest gas station on the island), and then to the airport. Things went smoothly enough until we realized, while sitting at the gate, that Brady didn't have Little Beggar, the 30+ year old stuffed puppy dog that my grandma gave him a few years back. Both Adam and I ran around trying to find cell signal (because the inside of Lihue airport is basically a huge dead-zone, save a few very small spaces) and sent emails to the property manager asking her to pleasepleaseplease ask the cleaning crew if they'd found him. (So say some prayers that Beggar's just extended his vacation by a few days and didn't actually move to Kaua'i for good.)

And then, of course, we flew home. And six or seven thankfully uneventful hours later, here I am, back in the corner of my usual couch (it's a sectional, lest that sounds odd) trying to figure out what I want to write. I guess part of me wants to put some kind of bow on the past three weeks, but I can't really boil an experience as rich and full as ours down into a single pithy remark. So I won't. Instead, I'll say that we were blessed with a wonderful time, but it's a blessing to be home now, too. It's a good reminder to remember to be thankful no matter where I am in this life. (And I guess I did just boil it down, didn't I? Sneaky, sneaky me.)

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