Wednesday, July 19, 2017

July 18

I jumped out of bed much earlier than usual this morning when my senses detected the magical combination of rain on the roof and streaks of glistening sunlight. Given that we haven't seen many this trip, I was pleased to find a huge rainbow arching its way across the sky when I peered out the dining room window. It was the kind that was so big that my phone couldn't capture it all unless it was in pano mode.

After my sojourn to get my coffee followed by a few hours at home, we took a rec from one of Isaac's third grade teachers (hi Leslee!) and headed across town for some organic shave ice at The Fresh Shave. (Good stuff, for the record, and definitely very fresh! The items are all named after various facial hair styles, and the Handle Bar --fresh pineapple on coconut-- was delicious. Adam and Isaac each had the Fu Manchu (strawberry banana) while Abby and Brady went with the Caterpillar (orange creamsicle)). The burger food truck she suggested is closed on Tuesdays, so we wound up visiting the Kauai Food Truck in old town Koloa instead. After waiting for quite some time for our burgers (and being accosted by a number of hungry chickens, who received ample chunks of bread from some local children but seemed interested in nothing less than more, more, more!), we opted to get our food to go and headed back to the house.

Post-lunch (which was okay... not the best, but not the worst), the boys went to the pools and I went to the fitness center while Abby stayed behind for some alone-time. (And so she could listen to music on YouTube. The wifi here isn't the greatest so we put a moratorium on her streaming capability while others are trying to use the internet.) Post-workout, I headed to the pools to watch them, and was surprised to find they had the entire place to themselves. Isaac demonstrated the handstand he's been working on, and both did a few launchers. Then it was more chill time at the house and dinner, and then dessert and a game of Scrabble at the clubhouse.

A quiet kind of day sewn together with ordinary stitches in time, but a blessed one nonetheless.

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