Friday, July 21, 2017

July 21

After breakfast this morning, we headed eastward. Following a quick stop to look at the 'Opaeka'a Falls (since Brady wanted to see a waterfall and we were headed in that direction anyway; you can make them out over Abby's shoulder in the lower left pic), we parked at the trail head for the Kuilau Ridge Trail. It was by leaps and bounds the grossest hike we've taken this trip -- it was super duper muddy and our shoes were completely encrusted with red and brown dirt by the time we got back to the car (see lower right pic).

But the views along the way were pretty spectacular. From the lush, bold green of the forest to the views along the ridgeline, it was a pretty walk. (And not difficult at all, save the mud.) We stopped at the picnic area and turned back after snacking on some PB sandwiches. There were two trails that took off from there: the one listed in our trusty guidebook, but it had definitely seen better days and was badly eroded so we decided it was a no-go, and a second unlisted one that went off to the right. We went a little ways on that offshoot, but came to what can best be described as a monster truck driver's mug bogging dream and opted to go back. (Well, I decided we could go back. Others among us waggled their already-filthy shoes and lobbied to slog on through the yuck.)

Then this afternoon, we took a walk over to the Spouting Horn (since it's very close to where we're staying), and then stopped at the club house for a game of Scrabble. After dinner, it was on to Uncle's for some shave ice (cherry, pineapple, and peach for me) and some Friday night atmosphere at the nearby shopping center. It was a very pleasant evening, but of course, since this is Kaua'i, it started pouring while we were walking home (in the dark). We all started running, and I can tell you for sure that anyone wanting to survive a zombie apocalpyse (or other traumatizing event during which the slowest is eaten) should hang out with me. I will insure your safety.

All joking aside, it was a very nice day. Not perfect --I don't love being rained on and I certainly don't like being coated in mud-- but filled with plenty of good moments.

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