Wednesday, May 22, 2019

May 22

When all was said and done, the AAA Braves went quietly in their final game of this spring season. A few --including Isaac-- fought back tears as they came off the field that last time. I watched from the bleachers as the coach gathered the boys in shallow right field for one last post-game meeting, and kept watching as the meeting concluded and the boys scattered to pack their bags and join their respective families and friends for what were probably longer and quieter-than-usual rides home. And I watched as Isaac slung his bag over his shoulder and headed to the outfield, his shoulders slumped in dejection, for some alone time.

Since I know my boy and I know that he needs time to process on his own, I gave him a few minutes to collect himself before I arose from my seat. Brady joined him as I approached, and from a distance I could hear Little Brother encouraging Bigger Brother, reminding him that he'd had great defensive plays (and he did indeed) and that his second at-bat had resulted in a hard-hit ball, but the defender had been perfectly positioned to get the put-out. He told him he should be proud of how he played. Brady glanced up and saw me coming, and --with a look of helplessness on his face-- gave me a frantic "get over here, mom!" wave. And so I did.

It's both a trial and a gift to comfort your children when they face disappointment head-on. As we stood there (and then again later, as we sat on the curb outside the car before heading home), I hugged him and told him that I was proud of him for playing well, and even more proud of him for being the kind of teammate that teammates want to have: the kind who finds the good in everyone, keeps a positive attitude no matter what, and faces daunting situations with an encouraging cheer and a smile and a sincere "it's okay, we'll get it next time!"

And in the end, the sadness dissipated and he smiled a genuine smile. He's disappointed, I know, but I also know that he'll bounce back, because when I asked if he wanted to go to baseball clinic tomorrow, he immediately said yes.

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