Saturday, May 15, 2021

May 15

Since there wasn't much of a baseball season last year, there were no baseball pictures. I was bummed since I'm a big photo person, so today, I was more than happy to watch as the boys and their teams herded together at the end of the Sports Park to take this year's shots.

Fortunately, they somehow wound up with back-to-back timeslots. Isaac's team was up first, and the Intermediate Blue boys talked and laughed and generally goofed around as they waited. 

After the last individual pic was taken, I sent Brady past the caution tape to take a buddy photo with his bigger bro and fellow number 7. (They're to the left of the guy in the red shirt.) Sensing what was to come from his teammates as Brady approached, a (minorly) beleaguered Isaac weakly called out "mom, can't we do this during his team's time?" and I chuckled as I shook my head. 

And then as they stood together and the photographer's assistant placed Isaac's bat between them and instructed them to put their arms around each other's shoulders, the cat-calling from the 12 and 13-year old spectators commenced: "Aw, Isaac, you're just so cuuuuuute!" and "Aw, so precious!" And I half-laughed and half-smiled at the sight and the sounds, because I know that Isaac didn't mind the ribbing and I know that he loves his little brother. 

And I also know that I will love that picture, because these moments are fleeting and they're so, so priceless. So for all of that, I am grateful.

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