Saturday, November 1, 2014

November 1

While Adam and the kids were at swim lessons, I went outside this afternoon to check on Logan's tree and noticed this on the patio.

I stood at admired it for a little while; based on the complexity, I knew Abby had drawn it, but I didn't know if it was a scene she'd imagined or one she'd replicated from elsewhere. So I asked her about it later after they'd gotten home.

She grinned, and explained that it was how she imagined the garden from "The Secret Garden" looked.

It's not as cool as it would be if she'd said the Garden of Eden or Heaven, but I remember reading "The Secret Garden" when I was about her age, so it kicked my feelings of nostalgia into high gear.

For the upteenth time, I was reminded that it's a blessing to watch my children grow and experience some of the same things that brought me joy once upon a time.

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