Wednesday, November 5, 2014

November 5

Today's tale is one of perseverance. The elementary school held its annual fun run today, which is designed to raise money to upgrade the computer lab. Isaac likes to run so he was very excited to take part, but just as I arrived to watch, from a distance I saw him hopping on one foot as he talked to his teacher, who then ushered him to the school nurse, who briskly walked him toward the office. Long story short, my poor boy was stung by a bee. He tried to hold back the tears, but he kept saying that it hurt as the nurse put ointment and a bag of ice on the affected area. After a minute, we got up and made our way back out to the field. I wasn't entirely sure that he'd want to take part, but he did.

And he did so with gusto. He ran hard, circling the field 12 times --plus two bonus laps for the distance he traveled to and from the nurse's office-- before time expired. I know his little calf must've been smarting the entire time, but he didn't complain and he didn't show any discomfort. Instead, he threw himself into the task at hand and got 'er done.

His perseverance in the face of an unexpected unpleasant surprise was inspirational to me. Had he thrown in the towel, not a single person would've blamed him. But he didn't; he chased his goals and participated and had fun.

That kind of heart and soul is priceless.

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