Wednesday, November 26, 2014

November 26

We went for a walk this afternoon. With the time change, it'd been a while, so it was nice to get out and just stroll together.

At one point, Isaac's good buddy's mom texted me to ask if we could meet at the park, so we did. While we were there, I couldn't help but notice something that I so often overlook:

Grass. And not only grass, but actual green grass. I know that seems like a pretty trivial thing --I mean, how often do we look down and marvel over something as mundane as grass?-- but it was a big deal to me because the grass around here has been sparse and brown for nearly a year now. So the rain we got last week really brought it to life.

The experience reminded me once again of the importance of stopping and noticing --and appreciating-- the simple things in life.

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