Friday, November 21, 2014

November 21

I went to Walmart this afternoon to pick up a Christmas present I'd ordered online for Isaac (or Brady... not sure yet!). While I was there, I did what I always do and wandered down the Cars aisle. It's a habit that I developed when Logan first discovered his love of those Cars with faces, as he called them. And though he's no longer here, I've continued searching for them anyway. I scanned the Hot Wheels and Matchbox pegs for Corvettes, and then turned to the Pixar section, not expecting to see much. But I got a pleasant surprise.

So. Many. Cars. The store must've just gotten a shipment of new vehicles from the Tokyo Mater short because there were a bunch that I'd never seen before. As a succession of gleeful fireworks went off in my heart (and yes, I know how corny that sounds), I picked out the new ones and put them in my bag. As I started to turn to walk away, something caught my attention and I took a closer look.

Right there, completely out of place underneath those pegs of Cars with Faces, was a grey Corvette. My heart surged, because in that moment, it felt like Logan had left that little grey car there for me to find, looking up at the Cars with Faces that he loved so much. It was like a little present just for me.

And that's always a good thing.

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