Monday, December 14, 2015

December 14

Brady turned five today. I know I say "I can't believe" this and "I can't believe" that quite often, but really, I can't believe he's already five years old. Given that Logan, his oldest brother, died at age five, it's an incredibly bittersweet kind of day for me. Bitter that he's not here to celebrate his littlest brother. Sweet that Brady is here and is growing into such a fun, personable, amazing person who reminds me, in many ways, of his biggest brother.

But despite the multiple potential flavors of the day, it was one of celebration, featuring preschool and blue cupcakes and photos and Red Tractor and presents and a cake that was a near-disaster but wound up being really cute.

It was a very good day. Happy birthday, Brady. I love your hugs and your smile and your sometimes startlingly quick wit. My life is better because you're in it.

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