Thursday, December 24, 2015

December 24

I'm a creature of habit and I treasure my traditions, so being away from home for Christmas can knock me off my game a wee bit (though don't get me wrong: I love being back home and sharing my childhood memories in an up-close and personal kind of way). Despite things being done a little differently while we're away, we do all we can to make it fun --and meaningful-- for the kids. Tonight, we hung the stockings by grandma's fireplace and put out a plate of cookies (well, just one cookie) for Santa. Just before the Little Boys went to bed, I showed them Santa's location via the Norad tracker (which amused them). And last but certainly not least, Adam read the Christmas story from Isaac's children's Bible. Right now, the kids are nestled snug in their beds and the grown-ups are watching Adam's favorite holiday faire, It's a Wonderful Life.

So yeah, traditions are an important part of my Christmas experience. But this, when it comes down to the brass tacks, is what matters to me most:

My family. These people --and Lambie, in a representative sense-- are innumerably, immeasurably important to me, and every minute that I get to spend with them is a blessing. So tonight, as I commemorate the birth of Christ and the kids anxiously await a visit from Santa, I feel a deep sense of gratitude that they're all a part of my daily life regardless of where we find ourselves on the map. And I'm doubly thankful for the chance to see so many different relatives tomorrow!

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