Friday, April 28, 2017

April 28

Adam was in Munich on business this week, so I've been flying solo. I was up too last night berating myself for a handful of missteps, so by the time this morning rolled around, I was pretty mentally tired. But a quick peek inside Brady's backpack saved the day.

Since my kids go to public school, I'm guessing this is a "Spring Egg," but my eye was immediately drawn to the golden spot in the center: the cross. Brady drew a cross on his egg.

I mess up every single day. Whether the screw-up is in the form of being excessively sharp with one (or more) of my children or impatient with a driver who's moving a little too slowly (or too quickly) for my taste or speaking before fully analyzing the impact of my words, one thing is for sure: I'm going to make some sort of error. But as Brady's egg reminds me, I have the cross. And I'm endlessly thankful that the cross trumps the mess that is so often me.

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