Saturday, April 29, 2017

April 29

Given my life experience and how I know that being negative doesn't really help, I try to be as glass-is-half-full as I can. But I haven't had the most fun couple of days. I guess I'd sum it up by saying that I'm tired. My mind is tired and my heart is tired. And there are plenty of ways in which I'd like to just stop trying, but I know that wouldn't be productive --or particularly helpful-- so I did something this evening that's historically lifted my mood a bit: I walked with my girl. As she's gotten older, I've found that I can tell her more and more of what's eating me, so I told her that I'm feeling tired and unappreciated and like I want to step back and not do as much in the future. She listened, which is really all I wanted someone to do. And then, as we headed back to the house, we got a little silly (as is our custom).

We both spied a rather loaf-y kitty in a driveway, so we stopped to summon said loaf-cat to us. Kitty complied, meowing and swishing her tail, but she refused to let us pet her. Instead, she trotted a few steps ahead, and at one point, she crossed the street. Abby instinctively pulled on her imaginary leash, which made me laugh. And this image was born.

It didn't fix all that ails me, but it was a start. And sometimes, a start has to be good enough.

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